This training is for whoever has a heart for God, wants to be discipled in order to disciple others.
Initially, it will be done live in-person in Sri Lanka and virtually for the global registrants.
Replays will be provided in our training portal.
Upon completion of training, you may request to be ordained.
Yes, you can register for the Discipleship Training at any time. The training modules will be available in our training portal for those who desire to take the training. Please note, that if your end goal is to be ordained, you will have to wait until we hold in-person ordinations.
Qualifications are simple.
Training: Anyone who desires to have disciple training in the church.
Ordination: Are you called to the 5 Fold ministry? Are you currently leading a group of people either online or in person?
The 3-month AGC Training has a fee of $200. Once completed you can request Ordination.
Moving forward, there will be an annual financial membership.
Ordination ceremonies may be standalone events but are often integrated into WOWLife World events. Individuals being ordained are encouraged to attend, register and pay to participate in any WOWLife World event.
If you’d like more insight into AGC foundation and training, please check out these WOWLife Church Series available for free:
WOW Praxis
Servant Leadership | Philip Weeraratne (WOWLife church)
Holy Order Series
Positive Theology with Fiona de Lanerolle
Yes! AGC was established to serve the body of Christ.
You can learn more about our Accountability using this link.
Apostolic Grace Covering and WOWLife World will NOT be providing any non-profit coverage, such as 501c3, and you are fully responsible for my own entity setup, registration, and status with your state and federal government. This includes ordaining your leaders.
The program includes live or pre-recorded training sessions led by Bishop Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle, along with other trusted AGC instructors. AGC is designed to foster a network of ministers who support one another. However, participating in AGC training or receiving ordination through AGC does not guarantee one-on-one time with Bishop Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle.
$200 Per Person
Only one person may register at a time.
Each person being ordained MUST use their own email and phone number for event updates and training access.